Tuesday 7 April 2020


Welcome Back!

I know that most of my friends have a favourite song writer or artist and I know I certainly have a favourite artists. I was born in Italy so  my favourite artist is Italian and his name is Andrea Bocelli. You may not know him especially if you are around my age but I just love his songs and music. It may seem a bit odd because his songs aren't in English, they're more for adults or they are a bit emotional but that doesn't mean I can't like his music, and that is the same for any artists you like. But remember, don't spend all your time finding out about them or talking about them because there are other things that are important in your life I'm sure of it.

Two Tickets to the Andrea Bocelli Concert in Tuscany with ...Andrea Bocelli: My one regret? That I allowed my wife to become my ...

So there it is my favourite artist and how about yours,post in the comments below!!!

See You Soon!

Friday 3 April 2020


As you all know we are stuck inside our houses for at least another 2 weeks here in England and you can't go out of your own home. This means it is hard to see are family, for example your grandparents might not be as skilled with technology as you are so it makes more difficult to call them. If you're like me and you're an only child it can get pretty boring at home with no one your age to play with....but I bet if you gave your parents a little bit of help around the house they might find a bit of time to spend with you!

You may have siblings and you may not like them but I advice you to spend time with them and get used to them being around because we don't know when this will end!!!

Going back to being an only child,it can sometimes be hard but it is the way it is. I live with my mum and go to visit my dad and he comes to visit us from Italy. I do miss him but I know it's for the best staying here even though I didn't realise it at first. My mum told me a story of me and him once and it was incredible. My dad had come over from Italy and I was reading him a story in English and I caught on that he didn't understand what I was saying because he doesn't speak English. Now, I was only five at the time and it was only a short story but I managed to translate the whole story into Italian for him!!!

Happy family illustration, Family Child Father Parent, Second ... spend time with your family :) 

So that is one way of keeping occupied, ask your mum or dad to share stories of when they were little and maybe even when you were little!

 Earth Waving Cartoon Clipart Vector - FriendlyStock     Goodbye for now

Tuesday 31 March 2020

How technology can help

As you know, schools have been shut down because of  coronavirus or covid 19, but that doesn't mean we don't have any school work. We have TONS of it and I'm not just saying on paper but also online!!! Technology has advanced so much over the years. You may be thinking 'what does she know about it' and you're right, I don't know much about but the people around me do. I always hear people saying how much it's advanced in their lifetime. Even for a young girl like me, I have already noticed  some changes in tecnology.

Nokia 3310 (2000) | Vintage phones, Nokia, Retro phone                  to                             Top 11 best new smartphones coming in 2020 - Nextgenphone
    2000                                                             2020

In 20 years this is how much technology has advanced!!!

Monday 30 March 2020

The Environment

A game that I found

Are you looking for something online to do with the environment?
Well I have a game you can play on the CBBC Buzz App...it's called plastic planet marine rescue...click here and try this game!

Can you complete the five Plastic Planet game challenges below?

You might have spotted some achievements in the Plastic Planet game. We're setting you guys the challenge of completing five of them.
Dive in and clean 'em up!Planet Earth Close Up Photo

Sunday 29 March 2020


Thank you!

Thank you for visiting my blog.

This blog is going to about life as a kid by a kid (and friends!).

I am 10 years old and I want to be making a positive impact on my life and on the world around me.

Some people may say children are to small to make change but I don't think that. Everyone can help no matter how big or small they are to save the planet and make it a happy place for us all to live.  Even recycling or going on a litter pick once in a while are small things that we can do that can make a BIG difference.  It may seem like it's small and insignificant ... but imagine if LOTS of us do it ... then it becomes a BIG deal!

You may or may not know whats happening in the world right now, but this blog will help you understand what is happening and what we can be doing to help and make things cool for us and those around us.  So we'll talk about climate change, pollution, our health and how to be the best we can be.  
Bye for now.
(my annoying ... but quite cool sometimes ... mother is calling me, again!)
Funny greeting card - Double high-five - Square Comics | Comedy ...